Birthday, bitches!

Birthday, bitches!


Hey guys! I know I promised you a birthday post aaages ago but I’ve been so damn busy! So it was my birthday on the 9th and I had a really lovely time. I had a BBQ at my house with my family, which I loved and the. My boyfriend surprised me to a nice meal after work on my birthday. I’m so lucky! I also got a few wonderful beauty presents (some of them from myself to myself!) and the one I was moooost excited about was the Naked 3 Urban Decay palette from my boyfriend!!! I was also psyched about the stack of new books I got from him and my sister.


This is the beautiful little pile of presents from my boyfriend. I mean yeah I picked them all but can you really expect a boy with a total boy mind to understand which makeup you like? I don’t think so, that is why I gently guided him to these gifts (by taking him into the shop and saying that one.) He also treated to a steak meal at one of our favourite Italian restaurants which was lovely. I got a cheeky Cosmo.


I got money from everyone else which I suppose is what happens when your 23 and all grown up! But I preferred that as I could then spend it on things I knew I wanted! Namely makeup! He first thing I indulged in was my first ever limecrime product. I opted for the Coquette opaque lipstick and I won’t say too much about it now as I will do a full review of all the beauty products I feature. But I’ll leave you with a sneak peak.


I also picked up another lip product; Bourjois’ Rouge Edition Velvet liquid lipstick. I suppose I went with this one because I’ve been interested in matte lipsticks lately and I just wasn’t ready to bite the bullet and pay the extra amount to get a limecrime Velvetine as I’ve heard mixed reviews. Again I will give a proper review on this product.

I also got myself the Sleek Face Form kit which I’ve fell in love with! More to come on that later! Ohhh okay here’s a little look!


No doubt I have also bought a million other things like clothes and makeup and meals with my birthday money but these were the main ones I wanted to show you! I hope everyone has a great birthday whenever that happens to be and I hope you get lots of makeup-y presents! Loves and kisses!